IVF Success

IVF Success at RBA

Reproductive Biology Associates has been a leader in the fertility field since 1983, home to Gerorgia's first IVF program and Georgia's first IVF birth. Since our inception, we've helped people have more than 35,000 babies and are committed to full transparency about our success rates. Please use the button below to view our results as reported by the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART).

View SART Clinic Summary Report

Understanding Clinic Pregnancy Statistics

IVF clinics have been required by federal law to report pregnancy outcomes to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) since the 1990’s. Until very recently, multiple flaws in the rules governing the reporting of these statistics allowed clinics to artificially inflate pregnancy rates. Beginning with the 2014 data set, published in Spring 2016, clinics are now required to report outcomes by a new set of rules. The new rules limit a clinic’s ability to manipulate statistics and will lead to complete accounting of all IVF attempts in any given center.

The new data tables contain much more information than in the past, but reward clinics for encouraging single embryo transfer by showing the preliminary chance of pregnancy in a fresh cycle and then adding to the cumulative pregnancy rate by showing the subsequent rate of live birth for each additional transfer of frozen embryos arising from the same initial egg retrieval. Patients will also see a ‘live birth per patient’ statistic, which gives patients the best overall idea of what they can expect when they initiate care in an IVF center.

The new reporting rules are a significant improvement over the previous set of requirements but still lack a few key points that will matter to patients. First among these missing data points is the impact of genetic screening on embryos and second is the overall cost to a patient per live birth. Clinics that rely heavily on genetic screening will show higher pregnancy rates per embryo transfer but lower pregnancy rates per attempt. Over time it is likely that the top 100 clinics or so will have comparable rates per patient, but clinics that apply genetic screening selectively will probably show lower overall cost per baby born than clinics that test everyone. Ultimately, patients will be able to evaluate a clinic not only on its published pregnancy rates but also on the efficiency of a clinic’s patient care and will determine where to seek treatment based on factors other than the numbers.

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