Welcoming your patients with compassion
If your patient is ready to start a family, the RBA team is happy to welcome them into our caring, supportive environment where we’ll provide the best treatment possible. Our referral process is simple, and we’ll quickly connect you with one of our leading specialists – contact us today.
Refer a Patient
Providing helpful resources for your team
At RBA, we believe in empowering physicians with the materials needed to support their patients. Use our request form to order brochures, referral pads, and other materials for your practice.
Request Materials
RBA: Expert fertility care since 1983
The team at Reproductive Biology Associates has 200+ years of combined experience in the field – experience that includes the development of revolutionary reproductive techniques and groundbreaking approaches to care. Our practice has also been responsible for many fertility firsts: RBA was Georgia's first IVF program and is responsible for Georgia's first IVF birth.
An ongoing commitment to patient experiences
We’re proud of our clinical expertise, but our defining achievement has been in building a patient-centered practice. Your patient will be able to choose the RBA fertility specialist who is the right match for their needs.